BSA Venture Crew 746 Hosts Winter Wonderland Saturday by Ilona Horchler

Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Venturing Crew 746 are hosting a Winter Wonderland on Saturday, December 18 from 5 to 9 p.m. at Mowatt Memorial United Methodist Church, 40 Ridge Road. The event will include live music and singing, twinkling lights, a story-telling elf, an interactive nativity, a magical guided walk through the woods and a display of different ways people of different traditions and religions celebrate. Santa and the Greenbelt Fire Department’s antique fire truck will be there, weather permitting, and there will be fire pits and hot chocolate to warm up after the walk. The planning and preparation for the event have been done by Venture Crew members with adult advisors helping. Crew members cleared and laid fresh mulch on the trail behind the church on Sunday. Greenbelt Public Works delivered the mulch for the crew, and many friends and neighbors came to help. This outdoor celebration is the first community event and fundraiser sponsored BSA Venture Crew 746 Hosts Winter Wonderland Saturday by Ilona Horchler by the new Venture Crew and proceeds will be used to support outdoor adventures and leadership opportunities for crew members. There is a recommended donation for individuals and a family of four. Venturing is an inclusive program through the BSA for males and females aged 14 to 21 (or 13 and completed the 8th grade). For more information about the Winter Wonderland or about joining the crew, email

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